Trinity United
Methodist Church

Doing God’s Work Is Our Passion
We meet the first Monday of each month. You are always welcome to join us.
Trinity Church Women
The Trinity Women's Club consists of a group of faithful women who choose to know and love God. We also try to serve our church and our community whenever we can. Our new group was formed in 2021 after our United Methodist Women's group was dissolved.
Trinity Women's Club is an active group within the church that supports its members and the church itself. Through the donations of our members as well as our fundraising efforts, we are able to support local projects like The Manna House and the Blessings in a Backpack program. We also participate in Operation Christmas Child each year, as well as making donations each month to a mission project.
To raise funds, the Trinity Women's Club holds several bake sales throughout the year. We also support the church by helping with Vacation Bible School, Salkehatchie Summer Service, and the Men’s Club fundraisers. We will soon have cookbooks for sale.
The Trinity Women's Club meets every month on the first Monday at 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall of the church.
All women are invited to join! Interested participants can contact any of the officers for more details.
Officers for 2023
Harriet Stevenson, Leader, 803-518-3335
Dixie Waldrop, Secretary
Susan Longshore, Treasurer, 803-924-4876