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Sharing God’s Love

A Christ-centered gathering of youth and youth leaders. 

Growing Friendships and Faith

The Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) of Trinity UMC is a once-a-month Christ-centered get together of youth and youth leaders. This fellowship is open to childrenin grades  3 - 12 regardless of church affiliations. We have two groups of youth divided by class (3rd - 7th grade and 8th - 12th grade).  We encourage those in MYF  to bring friends who may potentially become members.  You don’t have to be a member to participate in all of our fun activities. All you need is the willingness to make new friends!

At MYF, we talk about God and Jesus. We share and exhibit the “Good News of Jesus” to everyone who will listen. The teachings of our faith tell us that the Holy Spirit will take over from there. Youth enjoy a meal, doing community projects, participating in skits and games, watching Christian movies, participating in Youth Sunday, as well as enjoying each other's company in a Christian atmosphere.

The MYF has a newly decorated meeting room which makes for an excellent place to have meetings and to plan and discuss upcoming events.

During the school year, the MYF meets on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We don’t have meetings during June and July but may have special activities instead. 


MYF Leaders

For more information, feel free to get in touch with our MYF leader.

  • Lorrie Capps, Junior MYF Leader - 803-597-6517

  • Kruz Bouknight, MYF Youth President 


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